
Showing posts from 2019

The benefit for a women with a men under live-in relationship

A man and woman not married, but having live-in relationship is enough for the Woman is entitled to maintenance under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. But merely living a live-in relationship is not entitled for maintenance. The women has to show that though there was no marriage but relationship was in the nature of marriage. Having sexual relationship with a women frequently is not a live-in relationship. It is a nature of living as a husband and wife without undergoing a marriage. "Relationship in the nature of marriage" must fulfill the following ingredients :- (a) The couple must hold themselves out to society as being akin to spouses. (b) They must be of legal age to marry. (c) They must be otherwise qualified to enter into a legal marriage, including being unmarried. (d) They must have voluntarily cohabited and held themselves out to the world as being akin to spouses for a significant period of time. (e) The parties must have lived together in a...

What are the factors for Mental cruelty which is a immediate cause for Divorce.

Authour : Advocate K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. Madras High Court. Leading Divorce Lawyer in Chennai. After the solemnization of the marriage when any of the spouse either the husband or the wife is treated with cruelty, they are eligible for divorce. Section 13 (i) (a) of the Hindu marriage has not defined the term cruelty. But the courts has interpreted that cruelty falls under Physical and mental cruelty. And the cruelty may be intentional or unintentional. If it is physical, the court will have no problem to determine it . It is a question of fact and degree . If it is mental, the problem presents difficulty. The Supreme court at various circumstances has summed up the situations which are fall under mental cruelty. The expression 'cruelty' has an inseparable nexus with human conduct or human behaviour . It is always dependent upon the social strata or the milieu to which the parties belong, their ways of life, relationship, temperaments and emotions that have been conditi...

Hindu women cannot claim property rights from Muslim Husband

A Hindu women who marry a Muslim Male is invalid, Supreme Court declares law in Mohamed Salim Case on 22/1/2019. The Kerala Girl Valliamma who married Mohammed Illias and gave a bith to a male child Samsudeen, who subsequently married Aliyarkunju after his death. The supreme court denied Valliamma as a legal heir of Illias. The SC citing the mohamedan law which states as “ A Mahomedan male may contract a valid marriage not only with a Mahomedan women, but also with a Kitabia, that is, a Jewess or a Christian, but not with an idolatress or a fire worshipper. A Marriage however, with an idolatress or a fire worshiper, is not void, but merely invalid.” Supreme court has not cleared whether a invalid marriage which exists for a long years can be validated under law. But SC has stated that the person who claims wife status under an invalid marriage cannot obtain legal heir status as wife. And the property of the Muslim male husband don’t devolve to the wife under invalid marriages. But Supr...

How to get license for Women Hostel in Chennai - Helpline @ 9962999008

It is mandatory to obtain license to run a women hostel in Chennai. The Government provide law to obtain license for establishing a women’s hostel. A Application should be given to the District collector along with a fees of Rs.3,000/- After receiving the application the collector will make an enquiry about the hostel premises. The Enquiry team consists (1) District Social Welfare Officer, (2) District Child Protection Officer, (3) Project Officer ICDSS, (4) Differently Disabled Welfare Officer, (5) Representative from Health Department, (6) Personal Assistant (Account) to Collector, and (7) Thasildhar or Deputy Thasildhar of respective Jurisdiction. The above team should give a inspection report to the Collector within 20 days. And on the basis of the inspection report the collector may or may not grant the license to run a women’s hostel. When a license is refused the aggrieved party may approach the government within 15 days. Article by Advocate K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. Advocate, ...

NCW is a Lame Duck or Legal Guardian for women

NCW is a Lame Duck or Legal Guardian for women. Suo motto notice in Mayavathi case to UP MLA Sadhana Singh by the National women commission for the defamatory remarks makes the nation to watch the powers of the NCW. Is NCW is the super power to protect the women’s rights or only opinion makers in the crime against women. NCW is only created for the recommendations of welfare of the women’s. But the Act also gives some powers to receive complaints from the women’s. The question is whether a effective remedy is available to women or mere a eye washer. NCW rejects the following complaints from the very nature of filing a complaint i) Vague and anonymous complaints ii) Civil Disputes iii) Service, labour/industrial disputes not involving any deprivation of women’s rights iv) Matter pending in Court Only the commission can handle the cases pertaining to 1.deprivation of women’s rights; 2. non-implementation of laws enacted to provide protection to women and also to achieve the o...

Can a Economic offender can escape by surrendering the Indian Citizenship.

Fugitive diamond trader Mehul Choksi has surrendered his Indian passport and renounces his Indian Citizenship by mere surrendering his Indian passport in Indian embassy at Antigua by merely paying Rs.13,500/- as renunciation charges. Antiqua provides citizenship for US$1,00,000/- which is very cheap for economic offenders. Mehul Choksi is the proclaimed offender by the Indian court for the multimillion croe scam in Punjab National Bank (PNB). Antigua leads a new way for the scientific asylum to many economic offenders for the entire world. Antigua and Barbuda has a newly launched citizenship by investment program for investors who can directly acquire citizenship and passport by donation to a charity for a sum of US $ 1,00,000 or through purchase of real estate for US$ 4,00,000. The country joins St.Kitts and Nevis and Dominica where the citizenship program is already up and running. Choksi who obtained citizenship of Antigua by investor scheme has returned the Indian Passport. The ...

Divorce for Muslim Men - Helpline 9962999008

Three year imprisonment for pronouncing Talaq and no bail to the husband until the wife gives consent for the bail not only makes the Muslim male in turmoil but Muslim males have no law for divorce right now. How can a Muslim men can divorce right now in India. What is the solution for them. The family court of Chennai is entertaining divorce petition from Muslim in the Suit format but it also places a hurdle that the maintainability of the suit is decided on the trial only by the presiding Judge. The Indian Government has not said that any other format of Talaq is valid and the court also not discloses whether the Declaration suit for Divorce is valid. I Don’t know why the entire Muslim community is keeping quiet when there is a lawlessness situation for Muslim men in case of Divorce and matrimonial dispute when the female counterparts are protected with the Divorce and Matrimonial laws. Whether the lawmakers doesn’t see this a gender inequality. After the implementation of The Musl...