Hindu women cannot claim property rights from Muslim Husband
A Hindu women who marry a Muslim Male is invalid, Supreme Court declares law in Mohamed Salim Case on 22/1/2019. The Kerala Girl Valliamma who married Mohammed Illias and gave a bith to a male child Samsudeen, who subsequently married Aliyarkunju after his death. The supreme court denied Valliamma as a legal heir of Illias. The SC citing the mohamedan law which states as “ A Mahomedan male may contract a valid marriage not only with a Mahomedan women, but also with a Kitabia, that is, a Jewess or a Christian, but not with an idolatress or a fire worshipper. A Marriage however, with an idolatress or a fire worshiper, is not void, but merely invalid.” Supreme court has not cleared whether a invalid marriage which exists for a long years can be validated under law. But SC has stated that the person who claims wife status under an invalid marriage cannot obtain legal heir status as wife. And the property of the Muslim male husband don’t devolve to the wife under invalid marriages. But Supreme Court has approved the children’s are given legitimate status and who were born under the invalid marriage can be treated as legal heirs for the purpose of the property. The position that a marriage between a Hindu woman and Muslim man is merely irregular and the issue from such wedlock is legitimate has also been affirmed by various High Courts. (Aisha Bi v. Saraswathi Fathima, (2012) 3 LW 937 (Mad), Ihsan Hassan Khan v. Panna Lal, AIR 1928 Pat 19). The marriage of a Muslim man with an idolater or fire ¬worshipper is neither a valid nor a void marriage, but is merely an irregular marriage. Any child born out of such wedlock is entitled to claim a share in his father’s property. It would not be out of place to emphasise at this juncture that since Hindus are idol worshippers, which includes worship of physical images/statues through offering of flowers, adornment, etc., it is clear that the marriage of a Hindu female with a Muslim male is not a regular or valid marriage, but merely an irregular marriage.
The Authour K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. is the Advocate in Madras High Court
By Team Daniel & Daniel
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The Authour K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. is the Advocate in Madras High Court
By Team Daniel & Daniel
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