Self Respect Marriage in Tamilnadu

What is Section 7a of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 ? To who it is applicable ?

In the State of Tamil Nadu, an amendment was introduced by Act 21 of 1967, Section 7-A was inserted in the Hindu Marriage Act. The relevant part of the Section reads us follows :--
"7-A. Special provision regarding suyamariyathai and seerthiruththa marriages.-
(1) This Section shall apply to any marriage between any two Hindus, whether called suyamariyathai marriage or seerthiruththa marriage or by any other name, solemnised in the presence of relatives, friends or other persons.-
(a) by each party to the marriage declaring in any language understood by the parties that each takes the other to be his wife or as the case may be, her husband;
(b) by each party to the marriage garlanding the other or putting a ring upon any finger of the other; or
(c) by the tying of the thali, (2) (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 7, but subject to the other provisions of this Act, ail marriages to which this Section applies solemnized after the commencement of the Hindu Marriage (Madras Amendment) Act, 1067, shall be good and valid in law.
(b) Notwithstanding anything contained in SECTION 7 or in any text, rule or interpretation of Hindu law or any custom or usage as part of that law in force immediately before the commencement of the Hindu Marriage Madras Amendment) Act, 1967, or in any other law in force immediately before such commencement or in any judgment, decree or order of any Court, but subject to sub-section.
8. Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act provides for registration of Hindu Marriages for the purpose of facilitating the proof of such marriages. Under that section, the Stale Government is empowered to make rules providing that the parties to any such marriagemay have the particulars relating'to their marriage entered in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed in a Hindu Marriage Register kept for the purpose. Thus the section contemplates registration only of marriages which had already taken place. The ceremonies for the marriage are prescribed by Section 7 of the Act. Now Section 7 of the Act is introduced by Madras Amendment Act 21/1967. A marriage has to be solemnized in the presence of relatives, friends or other persons in the manner prescribed in that Section. In a case where the provisions of Section 7 or Section 7-A are not complied with, there is no question of there being a Hindu Marriage between a man and woman, as contemplated by the Act. Without such a marriage (sic)their as prescribed under Section 7 or as prescribed under Section 7-A, there cannot be registration of marriage between man and woman under the provisions of Section 8 of the Act.
The Author K.P.Satish Kumar M.L. is the leading family court lawyer in Chennai.
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